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W A R (Word
Association Reviews) This Week's Guest
Reviewer: Cth
( "Astounding!
One of the best reviews I've read all year!" - Ebert
N. Ernie, Sesame Street Production Company "If
you only read one review column.. read YABS, if you read two[...] if you
read eighteen.. you might give WAR a try.. if there's nothing else to do,
of course.." - Andrew,
Grayhaven Magazine "Hey
buddy, spare some change?" - Anonymous
panhandler Ok,
here's the setup. I name this week's releases and you say the first thing
that come to mind.. It
doesn't always have to be one word, but do try to keep it short... This
week I'll be asking, well, myself the questions.
How existential is that? Fight
Club 2 anyone? So
without further ado.. New
Releases For The Week of 11-1-00 World's
Nomination Batman:
Turning Points
........................ Average
............................................... Darth Death
................................ WWF
................................................. Payback's a bitch
.................................................. 4th man
Dark Victory
Surprise 100
.............................................. Ouch
...................................... Everybody
Was Kung Fu Fighting
Releases For The Week of 11-8-00 Authority
.................................................... No Pooftahs! Batman:
Detective Comics
...................... Poison Ivy Green
Lantern vs. Aliens
........................ One Ring To Find Them All
.................................... Manwhore Young
............................................ Baseball Batman:
The Doom That Came To Gotham....
Lovecraftian Horror Liberty
....................................... Weiner
Dog Race Sam
and Twitch
......................................... Sheeeeeeyit,
Holmes! Reed
Richards: Before the 4....................
Indiana Jones And The Temple of
Dr.Doom Boba
Fett: Agent of Doom.........................
Dark Empire Cerebus........................................................
Something Fell.. BOOM The
Blurbs or Cliff Notes Guide To This Weeks Comics World's
delivers the laughs! Page after page of genuine laugh-out-loud moments” Batman:
Turning Points "An
uneasy beginning for Batman and the reader for this arc."
Maul "Sleeper
hit…a real Dark Horse. The
best Star Wars adaptation in comics today"
comic everyone should be reading. Spread
the word! Spidey for the next
generation” Hellblazer
cinematic horror masterpiece in the making.. Azzarello and Frusin are
establishing their mark on the title.: Planetary
mystery of the 4th man solved! A
new beginning, the game is afoot!"
Dark Victory "Nice
wrapup to an excellent must-have series"
Bullets "Fast
paced action and dialogue make this the comic to watch out for"
"A work of art.. raises the standard for all creative teams that follow"
Authority "Fun,
brutal carnage, for carnage's sake.. continuing the fine tradition
established by Ellis"
Detective Comics "Satisfactory
wrapup to the Ivy subplot left over from NML.
An excellent time to jump onto the book." Green
Lantern vs. Aliens "Marz
continues to prove his worth on another movie-tie-in title. A perfect companion piece to Batman vs. Aliens and Superman
vs. Aliens"
Transmetropolitan "A
disturbing look at a futuristic world that's both hilarious and
innovative.. Ellis continues to chronicle Spider's quest and offer
thoughtful social commentary with each issue." Young
Justice "DC’s
Young Heroes get a well deserved break!
More out and out fun from Peter David and Todd Nauck!”
The Doom That Came To Gotham "The
Elseworlds story everyone should have in their library.. a perfect blend
of horror and the entire Batman/Cthulhu mythos."
Meadows "Frank
Cho cranks the humor up to 11! Hilarious
parodies of Star Wars and other famous pop culture references.
It's Bloom County On Crack, no, BETTER…GET THIS NOW!"
and Twitch "Bendis and Maleev continue their landmark work on the title.. Bendis gives us a touch of Tarantino and Mamet that's unforgettable."
Richards: Before the 4 "Peter
David manages to make this contrived Indiana Jones knock off actually
work. A quick fun read for younger readers and those who enjoyed
Universal's The Mummy"
Fett: Agent of Doom "Kennedy
and Ostrander work their magic again in the Star Wars universe.
A must have for Boba Fett completists." Cerebus "Sim
and Gerhard continue to keep the reader on their toes.
Bizarre imagery, and dire events round out this issue as Sim makes
his way into the homestretch.." That's
it for this update. Next update, we'll have the first of many guest
reviewers.. See
you then. If you'd be interested in making your own WAR, contact me at:
to make arrangements. First come, first served.
if you’d like to get a more detailed review or have any questions, feel free
to contact the reviewer at the address listed Cth
Copyright©2000 Cth |