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March 15, 2000 |
Original Material
GHM Staff's Top Comic Book Pics of 2000The Year in Comic BooksErich
Schoeneweiss Everybody
and their grandmother on this site is going to be babbling about their
favorite comic books this year (Barry will probably write a 30 page thesis
paper on this). I’m just
going to throw in my nickel on what I thought the five coolest moments of
the year were so ‘Drew will get off my back. 5)
Punisher revived! For
pure fun and guilty pleasure, what book has been better than Punisher this
year? From the first issue
with Punisher throwing the mobster off the Empire State Building to the
now classic scene of Punisher feeding Ma Gnuchi to the polar bears.
Cheesey, cheesey fun. 4)
Marvel’s Ultimate Line I
quit reading Spider-Man and the X-Men years ago.
Spidey sucked. Plain
and simple. Way too many
books with horrible stories and bad art.
I felt betrayed by the whole clone saga and just didn’t care
anymore. X-Men, too many
books to read (especially during the big annual event which started to get
lame), too many storylines never resolved, and too much of characters I
never liked (I’m sorry, but Gambit is one of the worst characters in
comics). So I didn’t give
much credence to the news of Marvel’s new Ultimate line…even though I
listen to Your Man@Marvel babble about it
almost every time we go out or watch wrestling.
It was a pleasant surprise to see how good both books actually
turned out to be. Ultimate
Spider-Man has been a real blast and half.
A really good read, especially considering it’s a story we all
know quite well already. And
X-Men really upped the anti with the last page of the first issue.
I can’t wait to see what’s to come.
Your Man was right all along. 3)
Batman’s Contingency Event How
do you stop Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman,
Aquaman, and Flash if they are possessed by an evil entity or just simply
snap and go mad like Hal Jordan (notice I didn’t mention Plastic
Man….do we really care about him?)?
Batman knows. He’s
been taking notes for years and is prepared for just such a contingency.
Only problem is, he didn’t tell his teammates and old Ra’s Al
Ghul found out and stole all his notes.
The result…a Justice League divided.
And Superman at major odds with Batman.
Superman of all of the heroes should understand the importance of
being prepared for anything and should have expected someone as obsessive
as Batman to do such a thing. Just
explains why Batman is the coolest hero in comics. 2)
Authority…Authority…Authority Is
there a cooler freaking super-team out there?
Don’t think so. Screw
the X-Men. Bunch of pansies
run by a bald headed cripple. Avengers?
Outdated. FF? Too busy
dreaming about sleeping with each other.
J.L.A…well, see above. You
get out of line, The Authority will kick your ass.
If you haven’t read the trade paperbacks, do it.
This book kicks ass (and it got even better after Ellis left and
Millar took over!). Can’t
wait to see this movie. 1)Batman confronting President elect Luthor in Lex 2000. Damn
is this wasn’t the coolest story in years.
“You can have the ring or you can be President. You can’t have
both!”, that’s what I read comics for.
It was only 8-10 pages, but it was better than anything else
written this year. Batman and
Luthor going at it verbally. Luthor threatening to use every US agency
available to him to find out who Batman really is and destroy him.
So good. And
Superman’s pissed at Bats for the shit he pulled in League?
Supes is a big wimp. Batman
is the shit! Best New
Character Special Award:
Elite Agents of Shield
As one of the characters is named
partially after me and the fact I spent hours with Bill Rosemann bouncing
ideas off of him, I simply loved reading this back-up in the back of the
Captain America annual this year. It
was a great read and perfectly fills that void all of us GI Joe junkies
have. Let Marvel know you
want to see more of this great team.
(And also that you want to see Bill write more as well) Talent
of the Year: Brian Michael Bendis I give ‘Drew shit all the time for how much he worships
this man (as do the rest of you Jinxworld yahoos), but I must admit this
guy was a force to be reckoned with this year.
I already wrote about how great his Ultimate Spider-Man was.
Powers could easily be on the list as well (and would probably be
number 6 if you could just scroll up a little).
He has also contributed beautifully to giving the fan a voice again
with his great Jinxworld site and message boards and the fact he’s made
comics feel like a big community again.
It’s been sorely missing for years.
Very excited to see what this guy has to offer this year. Guilty Pleasure of the Year: Your Man@Marvel Nothing is as much fun as writing him faux fan letters and
waiting to hear his reaction. The
crazy bastard actually printed a couple of them and I won a free
subscription (HEY, I’m still waiting on that dammit!). Barry Wolborsky's Top Ten
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