Gray Haven Joins Webring!


   Gray Haven is proud to announce its membership in the Creative and Thoughtful Writing Webring!  This will not only give more exposure to Gray Haven Magazine, but to the writers and contributors of the following sections:

   You can find the link to our webring at the bottom of the Table Of Contents for each department.

   We are also in the process of gaining membership to other webrings, which will in turn expose our artists, humorists, and reviews.  Keep checking for these links in the near future!

   If you are not familiar, a webring is a community of web pages which contain similar content.  The main webring page lists our site, and we in turn post the links to the webring and other member pages in the webring at the bottom of specific pages.  That way, members and non-members alike can visit our site, and you can also use the links to visit other sites.

   Traffic is important to GHM, but moreover, exposure of our talented contributors is priceless to our cause!

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